MEN                      WOMEN



1 Brazil 99 Portugal (-1 point) 6438
2 Spain 166 Japan (-31 points) 6183
3 Portugal 142 Brazil (+1 point) 6135
4 Russia 150 Uzbekistan (-33 points) 5923
5 Italy 64 Poland (-2 points) 5798
6 Argentina 73 Morocco (-4 points) 5747
7 Japan 72 Spain (+31 points) 5727
8 Colombia 46 Brazil (+1 point) 5718
9 Iran 135 China (+6 points) 5658
10 Ukraine 90 Italy (-15 points) 5624
11 Guatemala 16 Costa Rica (-27 points) 5603
12 Thailand 84 Japan (-22 points) 5603
13 Paraguay 56 Uruguay (+28 points) 5558
14 Costa Rica 34 Nicaragua (±0 points) 5542
15 Poland 65 Italy (+2 points) 5499
16 Venezuela 58 Colombia (+12 points) 5488
17 Finland 40 Croatia (+8 points) 5466
18 Sweden 52 France (+21 points) 5451
19 Netherlands 33 Croatia (-5 points) 5406
20 Uruguay 52 Paraguay (-28 points) 5390
21 Ecuador 28 Peru (+33 points) 5382
22 Vietnam 57 Uzbekistan (-4 points) 5369
23 Hungary 86 France (-19 points) 5365
24 Norway 2 Belgium (+3 points) 5317
25 Bolivia 36 Chile (+27 points) 5317
26 Jordan 21 Iran (-35 points) 5301
27 France 10 Sweden (-21 points) 5299
28 Taiwan 8 Thailand (-6 points) 5259
29 Morocco 13 Greenland (-2 points) 5246
30 Uzbekistan 49 Vietnam (+4 points) 5239
31 China 35 Iran (-6 points) 5229
32 Indonesia 31 Philippines (+4 points) 5204
33 Australia 6 Thailand (-5 points) 5186
34 Chile 35 Bolivia (-27 points) 5145
35 Egypt 5 Jordan (-44 points) 5135
36 Peru 39 Ecuador (-33 points) 5100
37 Croatia 26 Finland (-8 points) 5092
38 Syria 5 Palestine (-1 point) 5091
39 Belgium 28 Norway (-3 points) 5084
40 Slovakia 64 Serbia (+30 points) 5070
41 Bosnia & Herzegovina 11 Slovakia (+23 points) 5049
42 Czechia 69 Slovakia (+24 points) 5042
43 Belarus 17 Slovenia (-2 points) 5031
44 Malaysia 57 Myanmar (-5 points) 5024
45 Slovenia 41 France (-6 points) 5018
46 Armenia 5 Bosnia & Herzegovina (+42 points) 4998
47 Lebanon 15 Saudi Arabia (+7 points) 4995
48 Bahrain 32 China (+18 points) 4951
49 Myanmar 25 Malaysia (+5 points) 4948
50 Hong Kong 17 Thailand (-1 point) 4942
51 Azerbaijan 3 Iran (-1 point) 4933
52 New Zealand 9 Philippines (-11 points) 4909
53 Andorra 2 Catalonia (±0 points) 4848
54 Iraq 13 Saudi Arabia (+8 points) 4809
55 Romania 5 Poland (+4 points) 4803
56 Serbia 25 Saudi Arabia (-37 points) 4774
57 Philippines 22 Indonesia (-4 points) 4769
58 Guam 2 Philippines (-11 points) 4754
59 Northern Ireland 17 Belgium (+38 points) 4731
60 Angola 5 Venezuela (±0 points) 4727
61 Algeria 2 Morocco (-3 points) 4601
62 Palestine 12 Oman (±0 points) 4599
63 Greenland 4 Morocco (+2 points) 4557
64 Moldova 15 Slovakia (+4 points) 4554
65 Saudi Arabia 18 Serbia (+37 points) 4530
66 Gibraltar 11 Sweden (±0 points) 4474
67 Nicaragua 4 Venezuela (-1 point) 4468
68 United Arab Emirates 8 Saudi Arabia (-45 points) 4434
69 Laos 2 Philippines (-8 points) 4429
70 Turkmenistan 14 Iran (±0 points) 4411
71 Latvia 7 Lithuania (+8 points) 4396
72 Kyrgyzstan 15 Uzbekistan (-1 point) 4374
73 Tunisia 1 Egypt (new rank) 4339
74 Kuwait 26 Bahrain (+4 points) 4331
75 Bangladesh 3 Taiwan (±0 points) 4186
76 Kazakhstan 6 Bosnia & Herzegovina (-1 point) 4182
77 Tajikistan 14 Iran (±0 points) 4167
78 Lithuania 14 Latvia (-8 points) 4160
79 Macau 4 Indonesia (±0 points) 4081
80 Afghanistan 2 Kuwait (+6 points) 4046
81 Libya 2 Algeria (-2 points) 3862
82 New Caledonia 3 New Zealand (±0 points) 3640
83 Oman 3 Palestine (±0 points) 3562
84 Qatar 3 Lebanon (±0 points) 3402
--- USA 2 Canada (n/a) n/r
--- Canada 2 USA (n/a) n/r

Ranking generated from a database of 1355 matches.
The rating of teams having played fewer than 10 matches is subject to increased fluctuation.
Teams listed with 'n/r' have played matches, but not against any ranked teams.
Matches = total number of matches for that team in the database used to calculate the rankings.
Last Match = last match for that team along with the points gained or lost for that match.

Ranking generated at 17:04:00 on Monday, 15 July, 2024.